AWS power consumption

Question on AWS power consumption, given BootingPower[i], processingPower[i], powerMax. For maximum utilization, the data center wishes to group these processors into clusters. Clusters can only be formed of processors located adjacent to each other. For example, processors 2,3,4,5 can form a cluster, but 1,3,4 cannot.

cluster of k processors defined as (i, i+1,...., i+k-1)

Net power consumption = maximum booting power among the k processors + (sum of processing power of processors)*k. A cluster is said to be sustainable if it's net power consumption does not exceed a given threshold value powerMax.

Example: bootingPower = [3,6,1,3,4] processingPower = [2,1,3,4,5] powerMax = 25

If k = 2, any adjacent pair can be choosen. The highest usage is the pair [4,5] with net power consumption 4 + (4 + 5)2 = 22. Next, try k = 3. Group the first 3 processors together as: Here, Max booting power = max(3,6,1) Sum of processing power = 2 + 1+ 3 = 6 Net power consumption = 6 + 63 = 24 <= powerMax

Thus, k = 3 is a sustainable cluster.

Example: bootingPower = [8,8,10,9,2] processingPower = [4,1,4,5,3] powerMax = 33

If k = 2, consisting of first 2 processors. Net power consumption = max(8,8) + (4+1)*2 = 18 <= 33 (powerMax)

Thus, k = 2 is a sustainable cluster.

Example: bootingPower = [11,12,19] processingPower = [10,8,7] powerMax = 6

k = 0, not possible to form any sustainable clusters.


Guys upvote(will help others), seems like working solution in java, thanks @hgulamm for posting the above question :

public static int findMaximumSustainableClusterSize(List<Integer> processingPower,
                                                    List<Integer> bootingPower, long maxPower) {
    PriorityQueue<Integer> priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<>((a, b) -> b - a);
    int maxLength = 0;
    int currentLength = 1;
    int startIdx = 0;
    int endIdx = 0;
    int currentSumProcessingPower = processingPower.get(0);
    while (endIdx < processingPower.size()) {
        int currentBootingPower = priorityQueue.peek();
        long currentPower = currentBootingPower + ((long) currentSumProcessingPower) * currentLength;

        if (currentPower <= maxPower) {
            maxLength = currentLength;
        } else {
            currentSumProcessingPower -= processingPower.get(startIdx);

        if (endIdx < processingPower.size()) {
            currentSumProcessingPower += processingPower.get(endIdx);
    return maxLength;

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