Situation: 事情是在什么----情况下发生.
Task: 你是如何明确你的 --- 任务的
Action: 针对这样的情况分析,你采用了什么----行动方式
Result: ----结果---怎样,在这样的情况下你---学习----到了什么.
your answer is well-structured and provide examples using metrics or data if applicablX
Project中负责哪些部分(尽量选择Team Project)、用什么方法(比如碰到问题,你采用上网找资料,在github上找到类似的代码,在stackflow上讨论问题,与同学讨论等方法来解决)、和谁合作。
Result (尽量选择成功例子) 如何定义你的结果(成功还是失败)、获得了哪些成就(如:开销减少、数量多、绩效提高、效率高、品质改进、顾客体验变好)。
【注意】准备topic时要把其中的名词都记好,如果面试官向你提问某个名词(如sql injection)的意思,要能回答得出来。
创新简化 Invent and Simplify 比如,我碰到一个很复杂的问题,我怎样把他简化了之后来赶deadline。 达成业绩
Deliver Results.. 比如,尽管deadline很紧张,但我还是按时完成了。 .
崇尚行动 Bias for Action 即使你是个磨蹭的人,在这个题目下也不能回答说自己Dive Deep所以没有在deadline前完成,这是不对的,这个问题面试官想听到的就是你Bias for Action。
Question: Have you experienced a case when you were working on some task given by your team, and got a request from other team, what would you do? 你是否曾有过做自己组的任务时接到另一组任务的情况?你会怎么做?
**主人翁精神 Ownership ** . 比如,两个组的工作对我来说是同样重要的。
**顾客至尚 Customer Obsession ** 比如,两个工作的优先性要以客户为基准。 正确的回答方向: 这个决定不是我一人能做的,我会把我的manager和对方的manager叫到一起开会,比较哪个工作的优先性更高,哪个更高做哪个。而这两个工作都找到我做,说明了我对他们都很了解,我做了research,研究了两组的工作都分别需要多少人做,需要多长时间,在会议上提供了数据。 .
○ Customer Obsession
○ Leaders start with the customer and
○ work backwards. They work vigorously to
○ earn and keep customer trust. Although leaders
○ pay attention to competitors, they
○ obsess over customers.
• Who was your most difficult customer?
• Give me an example of a time when you did not meet a client’s expectation. What happened, and how did you attempt to rectify the situation?
• When you’re working with a large number of customers, it’s tricky to deliver excellent service to them all. How do you go about prioritizing your customers’ needs? .
• Tell the story of the last time you had to apologize to someone
○ Ownership
○ Leaders are owners. They
○ think long term and
○ don’t sacrifice long-term value for short-term results. They
○ act on behalf of the entire company, beyond just their own team. They
○ never say “that’s not my job."
• Tell me about a time when you had to leave a task unfinished.
• Tell me about a time when you had to work on a project with unclear responsibilities. ○ Invent and Simplify
○ Leaders expect and require
○ innovation and invention from their teams and always
○ find ways to simplify. They are externally aware,
○ look for new ideas from everywhere, and are
○ not limited by “not invented here." As we do new things, we
○ accept that we may be misunderstood for long periods of time. - . • Tell me about a time when you gave a simple solution to a complex problem. • Tell me about a time when you invented something. .-- ○ Are Right, A Lot ○ Leaders are right a lot. They ○ have strong judgment and good instincts. They ○ seek diverse perspectives and ○ work to disconfirm their beliefs.他们寻求多样的视角,并挑战自己的观念。 Tell me about a time when you were wrong.、 . Χ ○ Learn and Be Curious ○ Leaders are . .и ○ never done learning and always seek to ○ improve themselves. They are ○ curious about new possibilities and. 1point3acres ○ act to explore them.. . ---- Tell me about a time when you influenced a change by only asking questions. • Tell me about a time when you solved a problem through just superior knowledge or observation. .1point3acres -baidu 1point3acres ○ Hire and Develop the Best ○ Leaders ○ raise the performance bar with every hire and promotion. They . 1point 3acres ○ recognize exceptional talent, and ○ willingly move them throughout the organization. Leaders develop leaders and ○ take seriously their role in coaching others. We work on behalf of our people to invent ○ mechanisms for development like Career Choice. 领导者不断提升招聘和晋升员工的标准。他们表彰杰出的人才,并乐于在组织中通过轮岗磨砺他们。领导者培养领导人才,他们严肃地对待自己育才树人的职责。领导者从员工角度出发,创建职业发展机制。 Tell me about a time when you mentored someone. ○ Insist on the Highest Standards ○ Leaders have relentlessly. 1point 3acres ○ high standards — many people may think these standards are unreasonably high. Leaders are ○ continually raising the bar and ○ drive their teams to deliver high quality products, services, and processes. Leaders ensure that ○ defects do not get sent down the line and that ○ problems are fixed so they stay fixed. 最高标准 领导者有着近乎严苛的高标准 — 这些标准在很多人看来可能高得不可理喻。领导者不断提高标准,激励自己的团队提供优质产品、服务和流程。领导者会确保任何问题不会蔓延,及时彻底解决问题并确保问题不再出现。 .-baidu 1point3acres • Tell me about a time when you couldn’t meet your own expectations on a project.. Χ • Tell me about a time when a team member didn’t meet your expectations on a project. . check 1point3acres for more. ○ Think Big ○ Thinking small is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Leaders ○ create and communicate a bold direction that inspires results. They ○ think differently and ○ look around corners for ways to serve customers.. check 1point3acres for more. 远见卓识-baidu 1point3acres 局限性思考只能带来局限性的结果。领导者大胆提出并阐明大局策略,由此激发良好的成果。他们从不同角度考虑问题,并广泛寻找服务客户的方式。. .и 远见卓识 Think Big 能够看到之后的问题,比如在design的时候提前想到之后会出现的问题,采用一些措施来防患未然。 • Tell me about your proudest professional achievement. • Tell me about a time when you went way beyond the scope of the project and delivered . .и ○ Bias for Action. .и ○ Speed matters in business. ○ Many decisions and actions are reversible and ○ do not need extensive study. We ○ value calculated risk taking. .1point3acres . 1point 3 acres 崇尚行动 速度对业务影响至关重要。很多决策和行动都可以改变,因此不需要进行过于广泛的推敲。我们提倡在深思熟虑前提下进行冒险。 . From 1point 3acres bbs 崇尚行动 Bias for Action.google и 即使你是个磨蹭的人,在这个题目下也不能回答说自己Dive Deep所以没有在deadline前完成,这是不对的,这个问题面试官想听到的就是你Bias for Action。.google и . Χ . 1point3acres.com Describe a time when you saw some problem and took the initiative to correct it rather than waiting for someone else to do it.,. Waral dи, • Tell me about a time when you took a calculated risk.. 1point3acres . .и • Tell me about a time you needed to get information from someone who wasn’t very responsive. What did you do?. 1point3acres.com ○ Frugality ○ Accomplish more with less. . 1point3acres.com ○ Constraints breed resourcefulness, self-sufficiency, and invention. There are. 1point 3acres ○ no extra points for growing headcount, budget size, or fixed expense.. check 1point3acres for more. 勤俭节约 力争以更少的投入实现更大的产出。勤俭节约可以让我们开动脑筋、自给自足并不断创新。增加人力、预算以及固定支出并不会为你赢得额外加分。 e.. • Tell me about a time when you had to work with limited time or resources. . From 1point 3acres bbs .-- ○ Earn Trust ○ Leaders listen attentively, ○ speak candidly, and ○ treat others respectfully. They are. .и ○ vocally self-critical, even when doing so is awkward or embarrassing. Leaders ○ do not believe their or their team’s body odor smells of perfume. They. From 1point 3acres bbs ○ benchmark themselves and their teams against the best. 赢得信任 领导者专注倾听,坦诚沟通,尊重他人。领导者敢于自我批评,即便这样做会令自己尴尬或难堪。他们并不认为自己或其团队总是对的。领导者会以最佳领导者和团队为标准来要求自己及其团队。. 1point 3 acres • What would you do if you found out that your closest friend at work was stealing? • Tell me about a time when you had to tell someone a harsh truth. ○ Dive Deep ○ Leaders ○ operate at all levels, ○ stay connected to the details, ○ audit frequently, and are ○ skeptical when metrics and anecdote differ. ○ No task is beneath them. 刨根问底 领导者深入各个环节,随时掌控细节,经常进行审核,当数据与传闻不一致时持有怀疑态度。领导者不会遗漏任何工作。 . check 1point3acres for more. • Give me two examples of when you did more than what was required in any job experience.
. 1point3acres.com • Tell me about something that you learnt recently in your role ○ Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit ○ Leaders are ○ obligated to respectfully challenge decisions when they disagree, even when doing so is uncomfortable or exhausting. Leaders ○ have conviction and are tenacious. They ○ do not compromise for the sake of social cohesion. .google и ○ Once a decision is determined, they commit wholly. . 1point 3 acres Tell me about a time when you did not accept the status quo. • Tell me about an unpopular decision of yours. • Tell me about a time when you had to step up and disagree with a team members approach. • If your direct manager was instructing you to do something you disagreed with, how would you handle it? . Waral dи, 敢于谏言,服从大局 领导者必须要能够不卑不亢地质疑他们无法苟同的决策,哪怕这样做让人心烦意乱,精疲力尽。领导者要信念坚定,矢志不移。他们不会为了保持一团和气而屈就妥协。一旦做出决定,他们就会全身心地致力于实现目标。 ○ Deliver Results.-- ○ Leaders. Waral dи, ○ focus on the key inputs for their business and ○ deliver them with the right quality and ○ in a timely fashion. . check 1point3acres for more. ○ Despite setbacks, they rise to the occasion and never settle. By providing an example, tell me when you have had to handle a variety of assignments. Describe the results..-- • What is the most difficult situation you have ever faced in your life? How did you handle it? • Give me an example of a time when you were 75% of the way through a project, and you had to pivot strategy–how were you able to make that into a success story? . Waral dи, 达成业绩 领导者会关注其业务的关键决定条件,确保工作质量并及时完成。尽管遭受挫折,领导者依然勇于面对挑战,从不气馁。. Waral dи,
y, so don’t fluff your story
. If you say “I used X method to solve Y”. - They’ll want to know how X works - and what the business and customer focused results were of your actions a situation, outlining the tasks or actions taken, and a result. stories should start with a problem that is business and customer focused. Χ
说说你遇到的失败经历. .и 这个问题其实更注重的是你遇到了失败之后,从中学习到了什么,如果补救失败的经历。我们可以举例比如某个机器学习的项目,想当然用了linear regression结果效果不好(列出accuracy),没有达到要求 (这就是失败经历,但不要停在这里)。这时候离客户说的deadline还有一天,于是我们加班加点通过分析validation set,发现是under-fitting了。于是我们研究了更加复杂的模型,比如CNN,Random Forest等等,比较了他们的accuracy是多少多少,最终赶在ddl前解决了问题,让客户/老师满意,获得了第几名等等。 在这样一个例子中,我们就涉及了Bias to action, dive deep, customer obsession等等好几条准则。
你是否和你的领导有过不同的意见. check 1point3acres for more. 可以说有一个项目,你想用技术A来做,因为从长远的角度,这个方法更加scalable,可以让客户有更好的体验,但是你的领导认为应该用方法B,因为容易实现可以尽快上线。你和你的领导进行了细致的交流,分析了利弊,也听取了其他同事的意见,你认为多花一点时间努力工作技术A也可以快速上线,于是最终领导同意了你的方案,你每天多工作x个小时,最终在Y天内完成了该项目上线,现在这个项目可以很容易scale到同时间有Z用户在线。 这样一个例子中,就包括了Ownership,Right a lot, Think big, Earn trust等等多条LP。
每个问题结合principle 一个或者 多个
Question List:
Tell me about a time when you had to work with a 'difficult' coworker.
Tell me a time when you persisted and succeeded.
Tell me how you would pick projects.. 1point 3acres
Tell me a time when you earned trust of your partners. . .и
Tell me a time when you disagree with your manager.
Tell me a time when you have to deliver unperfect result/project.. 1point 3acres
Give me an example of when you took a risk in your work and then failed.
Tell me a time when you solved a problem in an innovative way.
How do you find the time to acquire new knowledge.
Did you have to push back a request/ask?
Tell me a time when your manager and PM were not aligned. Links for Amazon leadership principles: https://www.amazon.jobs/en/principles. check 1point3acres for more.. 1point 3 acres most proud project, . 1point3acres tell me when you did something without manager’s support (back bone); tell me when you find two issues and find the link between them to find root cause(dive deep); you were able to learn something cool and simplify your work (learn and invent); . Waral dи, when something is not part of you job but you took responsibility (ownership)... de等等等等。 . 1point3acres . Hiring manager面,纯BQ,45min
自我介绍,why Amazon. Follow-up: what interests you in this position?-baidu 1point3acres
Describe a time when your teammate disagrees with you. Follow-up: why is your approach innovative? Can you support with data?. Waral dи,
Describe a time when you dig deep into the root cause of something. Follow-up: 同上
Describe a time you deliver a project within a tight time limit. Follow-up: what do you sacrifice to meet the time limit? .-- 一句话,见机行事。面试是交流的过程,如果你觉得面试官有兴趣继续听,你就继续讲,补充更多的细节。反之,就要赶紧收起这个话题,不要浪费时间,也不要引起无谓的争论甚至质疑。 .-- Can you provide an example of loading daily data for a large table? What are some challenges and how would you overcome them? how would you identify if you have loaded a row before or not? describe a project where you used statistical analysis and what were features/variables used and what was the end output. how could u have improved your model better, i mean what would u do differently. From 1.1point3acres
自我介绍,why Amazon. Follow-up: what interests you in this position?
Describe a time when your teammate disagrees with you. Follow-up: why is your approach innovative? Can you support with data?
Describe a time when you dig deep into the root cause of something. Follow-up: 同上
Describe a time you deliver a project within a tight time limit. Follow-up: what do you sacrifice to meet the time limit?
在你的工作中,遇到了什么问题,你是如何化解的. From 1point 3acres bbs. 1point3acres
当时我以为电面的bq就是随便问问,结果面试官追的好细;lp我尽量去靠了;但是第二个问题还是有点迷惑(或者是我没听懂题,太紧张了,我知道应该要再问问清楚)欢迎大家讨论哈. check 1point3acres for more. .1point3acres (3) 你用过什么简单的办法解决了一个复杂的问题?
你遇到过最复杂的data modeling问题是什么?(因为我说了会做一些data modeling。。这个职位也涉及的 (1) 介绍一下你现在工作都做些啥,举点项目例子,后面又加强版问问你能不能具体说下你的一天是怎么样的。 BQ: a. describe a time when you had difficult intercation with stakeholders, what was the outcome and how would you do instead b. describe a time when you deep dived into a question, what was the outcome and what did you learn. From 1point 3acres bbs Case: Amazon wants to build a new fullfillment center (warehouse). How would you propose this to stakeholders。这个问题我说着说着就只顾及了考虑哪些因素,但是忘记还要说应该怎么做。这个我是后来在反问面试官这个问题你会怎么答的时候,他说我考虑的点都可以,但是没有说solution。. ---- BQ:
Why do you think you are distinguished from other candidates?
FUQ: You mentioned you have a strong data analytics skills. What tool do you use at work? ..
Work me through a project you have done from data preparation to presenting the result/dashboard. 最后一问还有各种FUQ小问题都问的非常非常细,不会给你任何想东西的机会。主要看你的工作思路是否清晰,是否真正做过那个Project,看你能不能Automate your workflow • Tell me about a time when you were faced with a problem that had a number of possible solutions. What was the problem and how did you determine the course of action? What was the outcome of that choice? • When did you take a risk, make a mistake, or fail? How did you respond, and how did you grow from that experience?. ---- • Describe a time you took the lead on a project. • What did you do when you needed to motivate a group of individuals or promote collaboration on a particular project?. check 1point3acres for more. • How have you leveraged data to develop a strategy? . 有些是总结别的面经的。。也是地里的 要是要写引用的话告诉我链接吧
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