Question List:
Tell me about a time when you had to work with a 'difficult' coworker. .--Have backbone? Degree and commit? Earn trust? Ownership?
Tell me a time when you persisted and succeeded. . --Insist on the Highest Standards
Tell me how you would pick projects. .
Tell me a time when you earned trust of your partners.
Tell me a time when you disagree with your manager.
Tell me a time when you have to deliver unperfect result/project.
Give me an example of when you took a risk in your work and then failed.
Tell me a time when you solved a problem in an innovative way.
How do you find the time to acquire new knowledge.
Did you have to push back a request/ask? .
Tell me a time when your manager and PM were not aligned. -Amazon leadership principles: https://www.amazon.jobs/en/principles. 对回答此类问题的一些思考:
准确理解问题的意图。 请大家记住一句话,面试时每个问题必有其背后的意图。我在上面列举的11个问题,每个问题都可以在leadership principles里面找到一个或者多个回答的落脚点,这恰恰也是亚麻重视此类问题的原因。大到一家公司,小到一个团队,凝聚力的关键在于价值观的统一。Leadership Principles可以看成是亚麻领导层的价值观的总结,而面试时,你未来的老板和同事们也在寻找一个认同并且牢记这些价值观的候选人。比如,第二个问题,就可以参考“Insist on the Highest Standards"来回答。另外,这些问题也会暴漏出候选人(candidate)自身的一些问题,有时也作为rejection的重要依据,所以亚麻会出现,“题都做出来了,但是还是挂了”的情况。
是否可以“编故事”? 我认为这个问题见仁见智,但是我必须要提醒你,编的故事会漏洞百出。我被面过,也面过别人,确认一个事例是不是编造的很容易,只需要问三个问题: 1.之后做了什么?2.可不可以不这么做?3. 你的partner怎么反应?.--
哪些回答可能是Red flag? 正如在第一点里说的,这类问题可以充分暴漏出candidate的自身的问题。此处仅举一例,对于第一个问题,如果你被问到,会如何回答?你会不会花很大的精力去解释为什么这个coworder很"difficult"??? 会不会表露出你是多么的不喜欢甚至讨厌这个coworker? 我个人的理解是,无论在何种情况下,都要be professional, 不要抨击乃至攻击coworkers. 其实大家在回答这个问题不妨思路开阔一些,想一下,哪一些principles可以用来回答?Have backbone? Degree and commit? Earn trust? Ownership?
答案要多长? 一句话,见机行事。面试是交流的过程,如果你觉得面试官有兴趣继续听,你就继续讲,补充更多的细节。反之,就要赶紧收起这个话题,不要浪费时间,也不要引起无谓的争论甚至质疑。
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