design rental app for bike and scooter. 主要是从class diagram,db table design,sequential diagram和activity diagram入手。
bike and scooter rental shop 一个rental shop 有两个product bike: 分size, 大中小 scooter: 分type, electric & gas 要求实现的功能有:
add product into inventory (admin)
remove a product from inventory i.e. permanently make a product un-rentalable, for example due to damage (Admin)
create user (Admin & guest)
user can check in the location whatever he visits.: (Admin & Guest)
check for balance for a user (if they owe us money) . (admin & guest)
rent product . (admin & guest)
return a product . (guest)
要完成: class diagram DB schema ,API sequence diagram, system diagram ??不记得了 follow up: what if we want to open up a new shop
OOPs: Design bike rental app: ran out of time in this, make sure u practice class diagrams system design: design check-in app, user can check in the location whatever he visits.:
Last updated