Ads Conversion Rate
// The people who buy ads on our network don't have enough data about how ads are working for
//their business. They've asked us to find out which ads produce the most purchases on their website.
// Our client provided us with a list of user IDs of customers who bought something on a landing page
//after clicking one of their ads:
// # Each user completed 1 purchase.
// completed_purchase_user_ids = [
// "3123122444","234111110", "8321125440", "99911063"]
// And our ops team provided us with some raw log data from our ad server showing every time a
//user clicked on one of our ads:
// ad_clicks = [
// #"IP_Address,Time,Ad_Text",
// ",2016-11-03 11:41:19,Buy wool coats for your pets",
// ",2016-10-15 20:18:31,2017 Pet Mittens",
// ",2016-11-01 06:13:13,The Best Hollywood Coats",
// ",2016-11-12 23:05:14,Buy wool coats for your pets",
// ",2017-01-01 03:18:55,Buy wool coats for your pets",
// ",2017-01-01 03:18:55,2017 Pet Mittens",
//The client also sent over the IP addresses of all their users.
//all_user_ips = [
// #"User_ID,IP_Address",
// "2339985511,",
// "234111110,",
// "3123122444,",
// "39471289472,2001:0db8:ac10:fe01:0000:0000:0000:0000",
// "8321125440,",
// "99911063,"
// Write a function to parse this data, determine how many times each ad was clicked,
//then return the ad text, that ad's number of clicks, and how many of those ad clicks
//were from users who made a purchase.
// Expected output:
// Bought Clicked Ad Text
// 1 of 2 2017 Pet Mittens
// 0 of 1 The Best Hollywood Coats
// 3 of 3 Buy wool coats for your pets
public List<String> adsConversionRate(String[] completedPurchaseUserIds, String[] adClicks, String[] allUserIps)
Map<String, int[]> resultMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> userIpMap = new HashMap<>();
// ip --> adtitle
Map<String, String> ipToTitle = new HashMap<>();
for(int i = 0; i< allUserIps.length; i++)
Stirng[] element = allUserIps[i].split(",");
// userId --> ip
userIpMap.put(element[0], element[1]);
for(int i = 0; i< adClicks.length; i++)
String[] clicksArray = adClicks[i].split(",");
String adTitle = clicksArray[2];
int[] purchaseOfClick = new int[2];
purchaseOfClick[1] = 1;
resultMap.put(adTitle, purchaseOfClick);
int[] purchaseOfClick = resultMap.get(adTitle);
resultMap.put(adTitle, purchaseOfClick);
// ip --> titile
ipToTitle.put(clicksArray[0], adTitle);
for(int i = 0; i< completedPurchaseUserIds.length; i++)
String purchasedIp = userIpMap.get(completedPurchaseUserIds[i]);
String title = ipToTitle.get(purchasedIp);
int[] purchaseHelper = resultMap.get(title);
resultMap.put(title, purchaseHelper);
public Map<String, int[]> adsConversionRate(String[] completedPurchaseUserIds,
String[] adClicks,
String[] allUserIps)
// int[0] is purchase, int[1] is click
Map<String, int[]> resultMap = new HashMap<>();
// userId --> ip
Map<String, String> userIpMap = new HashMap<>();
Set<String> useIds = new HashSet<>(completedPurchaseUserIds);
for(int i = 0; i< allUserIps.length; i++)
Stirng[] element = allUserIps[i].split(",");
// userId --> ip
userIpMap.put(element[0], element[1]);
for(int i = 0; i< adClicks.length; i++)
String[] clicksArray = adClicks[i].split(",");
String ip = clicksArray[0];
String adTitle = clicksArray[2];
int[] purchaseOfClick = new int[2];
purchaseOfClick[0] = useIds.contains(userIpMap.get(ip)) ? 1 : 0;
purchaseOfClick[1] = 1;
resultMap.put(adTitle, purchaseOfClick);
int[] purchaseOfClick = resultMap.get(adTitle);
resultMap.put(adTitle, purchaseOfClick);
return resultMap;
Last updated