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Why Wayfair
Tell me about a time you find an error in work
Two stakeholders, same importance same ddl,
learn new technology
Make a decision with limited information
Creative project
What's your career path case: 9步模型,面经汇总见附件
给大家奉上我为准备面试四处搜集的最全wayfairBQ,欢迎大家在楼底继续补充!(新人求加米求鼓励,嘿嘿,多谢多谢!!) BQ:Do you prefer team work or individual work? why do you want to work here? Why would you like to work for Wayfair?what is our company like?Why E-commerce? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?How would you respond is asked to why a particular group isn't doing as well as others? Tell us one situation you hold a different opinion with everyone else How did you solve a business problem?Describe a time you had to solve an analytical problem. Teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, etc. Tell me about a time you analyzed data. Work me through how you would improve the company? What are you good at professionally? What are you bad at? What is your professional interest?What is a time you had to make a decision under time pressure?Tell me about a time that you had to work with a difficult person. Tell me about a project you've worked on. Any project you held a different opinion than others in? and how did you support your stand?How do you think you fit best for this role? The Most Complicated Issue you have ever Solved (made some slides for onsite)What were your goals when coming to Wayfair?How do you see your experience fitting on different teams?What’s the biggest initiative that you have ever taken? What’s the biggest mistake you have ever made?How do you handle unhealthy relationship with your coworker? How do you like our website? Tell me about this internship experience you had.